In 2018, total 7, 21,315 patients were treated from the Out Patient Departments of this hospital. On an average daily about 2500 patients took their services from outdoor departments. In that year, number of patients attended in emergency were 150365 and the number of indoor cases were 3,54,474. In 2019, the number of OPD patients was 814316. The number of patients treated in Emergency was 186879 in that year. A total of 400963 patients were treated as admitted cases in Indoor 2019. In this year (2020), outdoor patients has increased to around 3300 per day in first three months. Everyday about 200 to 300 patients took pathological support from our clinical pathology department. The patient who needs isotope scanning and radioactive iodine uptake test are sent to the Institute of Nuclear Medicine located within the hospital campus.